Bränd Sound: A new era of branding

What’s going on exactly?

So, you know how there are sounds all around us these days, more than ever before? We’ve got all sorts of devices everywhere that can play music and all kinds of sounds. Brands have so many awesome opportunities to connect with their customers through radio, speakers in public places, and most importantly, through all those fancy smart devices. They can get into people’s ears and hearts like never before.

Like when you hear a catchy tune or a jingle and it sticks in your head. It creates this trust and familiarity. Like knowing the lyrics to songs you don’t even like, but they’re still stuck in your head (we’ll get into why that happens and the psychology of sonic branding in our next blog). The digital world is moving crazy fast, and sonic branding used to be something only big international brands like McDonald’s, Intel, and Universal Pictures could afford. But even on a local level, brands are realizing the power of giving themselves a unique sound. It’s no longer just for the big guys – and that’s where we come in!

In the midst of all the noise and information overload, it’s easy for your product or service to get lost in the sea of silent pictures on social media. It’s been already a while since Instagram implemented a feature allowing users to add music to their posts but is a must to brand your podcast. It adds emotion, life, and value. And if you want to create a stronger emotional connection with your customers, you should think strategically and be recognizable by sound too – just as you would have a frame for using your visual logo.Sure, a lot of brands use stock music to fill the sound gap with something generic. But according to audio branding pioneer Julian Treasure, that might not be the best approach. He says if you have a solid sonic strategy and execute it well, you can boost your brand’s effectiveness by up to 11 times. That’s pretty mind-blowing, right?

So, why are we talking about all this? 

We’re Ikevald and Maksim, two guys who’ve spent 30 years combined in the music industry—writing songs, producing music, teaching, and even getting our stuff on the radio, vinyl, ballet, and representing brands – both locally and internationally. We know the power of music and sound and how to harness it.We’re passionate about combining our music skills, psychology, and marketing know-how to help brands get closer to their customers than ever before. We’ve done our homework, worked out our processes, and teamed up with mentors and experts like Kevin Kleinmann, who’s taught audio branding at Sorbonne University in Paris. He’s shared some killer tools he’s used with Italian luxury brands and other international brands. We’ve also got input from Triin Tammistu, a marketing pro.

We’ve already completed some cool projects for Vanemuine Theatre, Estonian Business School, and the Institute of the Estonian Language. But we’re just getting started, and we’re ready for new challenges in the world of sounds.

So, if you liked reading this article, we’d love to hear your thoughts on sonic branding. And since we’re just starting out, we’d be super grateful if you could share it on your social media channels too. We’re open to any questions, and if you’ve got ideas on how we can help boost your brand’s effectiveness and win people’s hearts, don’t hesitate to reach out! Oh, and next week, we’ll be sharing a blog post about why and how audio branding works, our past projects, and other exciting stuff. Stay tuned!


Maksim and Ikevald