What is audio branding and who can benefit from it?

Audio branding helps companies create an emotional connection with customers, stand out from competitors, and build a memorable and easily recognizable brand. When used correctly, audio branding can increase customer loyalty, strengthen brand identity, and boost sales. The subliminal impact of music and sound in advertising is often underestimated. For example, adding the right sound to an advertisement video can increase its effectiveness up to 11 times.

Audio branding can be beneficial for various types of businesses, regardless of their size or industry. Retailers, service providers, restaurants, hotels, brands, IT companies, and many others can benefit from it.

What should a company consider when looking to adopt audio branding?

Firstly, it is important to understand the target audience and the brand’s character. What kind of emotion does the company want to convey through its audio branding? What is the company’s message and image? It is also crucial to understand how sounds can influence customer behaviour and emotions.

Secondly, a company should consider that using randomly created or poorly thought-out branding can be costly. Instead, it is wise to choose a professional audio branding specialist or team with experience and knowledge in this field. Collaborating with an audio branding expert helps create a suitable world of sounds that supports the company’s brand and communication goals. When selecting an expert, it is important that they have the necessary knowledge in marketing, psychology, and a broad musical experience. If a random musician with less experience creates a sound logo, there is a risk that the brand creation will be approached too personally and through their own artistic perspective, rather than focusing on amplifying the brand’s values.

Thirdly, for the client, it is essential to map out various touch points – media, environments, and other places where people will encounter the brand through sound. These can include podcasts, websites, apps, advertising clips, waiting room music, and more. Based on this, a project’s work plan and the final price of the package are determined. It should be taken into account that depending on the company’s size and the client’s expectations, creating audio branding can be a substantial process in terms of time and resources for both the client and the implementer.

Currently, even large brands in Estonia do not fully utilize the opportunities of helibranding. Sometimes, a previously created melody is used, but there is a risk that it does not convey the right message in terms of building brand trust.

In addition, there may be a lack of long-term control (e.g., licensing restrictions) and licensing fees must be paid to use it. Another problem is that some companies that have developed a sound logo do not fully utilize its potential across all channels. It is very common that it is forgotten to add it to podcasts and websites, where the brand’s impact could be further increased among its target audience.

Examples of audio branding in Estonia:

Audio branding is becoming increasingly popular in Estonia, and several companies have successfully embraced this strategy. Here are some best practices of audio branding in Estonia:

“Carglass paigaldab, Carglass parandab” (Autoglass repair Autoglass replace) – a localized sound logo that has been heard by millions throughout Europe.

The widely known Lidl advertisement, using the melody from the famous song “La Bamba.” There is hardly an Estonian who is not familiar with this advertisement. It is a brilliant way to use sound branding when the goal is to grab attention through irritation. As they say in the PR world, even bad attention is good publicity.

Tallinn Airport’s audio branding is based on the first notes of the Estonian national anthem, creating a calm and pleasant atmosphere. The airport’s audio elements are used in airport premises, sound systems, and media. These sounds help create a positive image of the airport and enable visitors to experience pleasant and professional service.

Vanemuine Theatre has used a melody excerpt from Eevald Aav’s opera “Vikerlased.” In 2022, Bränd Sound partnered with the theatre to create a sound logo that could be used in podcasts, radio channels, and advertising clips.

Listen to Vanemuine’s sound logo here:

Audio branding can be a successful strategy that helps create a strong brand identity and establish an emotional connection with customers. Every company can customise sound branding according to its values, product, or service, and create a unique sound world that supports their brand and business goals. The Bränd Sound team’s mission is to create sounds and environments that allow brands to communicate meaningfully and effectively with their target audiences. We have developed and tested processes and tools to ensure that brand values and client preferences are incorporated throughout the entire process.

Contact us at info@brandsound.ee to arrange a consultation and find ways to enhance the effectiveness of your sound branding.

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